dimarts, 26 de maig del 2015

Our short film of Can Torra

Why we chose Can Torra
Can Torra is a farm house, similar to Mas Miró. It is located close to school. We wanted an impressive and majestic place that has a big garden, like Mas Miró.

The scene selection and filming process
The first step in this evaluation was to visit the house and look at all parts: terraces, animals, walls, and gardens, without entering the house.

Next, we made a list of adjectives that described what we knew about the house: noble, spacious, faded, bright, old, humid, inhabited, antiqued, and beautiful. With that list we were able to imagine the inside.

After imagining what the inside of the house might look like, we returned to Can Torra to videotape. By envisioning how the house will look, scene by scene, we videotaped the elements that were important, including the inside.  

Using the scenes in Pere Portabella’s “Mudanza,” we mimicked his style of starting far away slow   coming closer, as seen in the photos to the left.

About the owner:

Señora Concepció, as the youngest child in her family, has lived in Can Torra all her life. Because of this fact, she doesn´t see her house as most people do: majestic and impressive. Instead, she considers her house to be much like all the other Bordils homes. 

Evaluation of Portabella´s fragment of Miró Tapís

We watched this fragment Miró Tapís by Pere Portabella in 5th and 6th level in preparation for creating our own short film of Can Torra. The following article is an example of how we evaluate film fragments.


The fragment begins with views of the fields surrounding the rural home, in the town behind them using a panoramic in order to the property, Mas Miró.

 By the light of dawn, in silence the views see Mas Miró as it is in early morning. Suddenly, the viewer hears the natural sounds of the environment: birds, roosters, chickens, and ducks, building emotional intensity. Sounds allow the viewer to enter into this space with all senses, walking up the closer along with the rest of the town. The house is first seen in a worm´s eye view while listening to the sounds of the environment.
The second view of this old farm house is from far away; a fixed shot of the majority of the house, with views of the garden in front of the farmhouse.
In a fixed plane there is an interposed tree. The majority of the planes are panoramic. There are 6 different shots and 2 or 3 changes of light. 

dimarts, 12 de maig del 2015

Composem la banda sonora del nostre curt

Per acompanyar les imatges del nostre curt i intensificar les emocions que volíem transmetre, vam composar les nostres músiques.

Una de les primeres activitats que vam fer va ser escoltar músiques de pel·lícules i escriure quins instruments apareixien, de quin gènere era la pel·lícula i quines emocions transmetien aquestes músiques.

Per Nadal, vam mirar pel·lícules de Filmin i havíem de triar-ne una per comentar com era la seva banda sonora.

Un altre dia, amb una seqüència d'imatges, ens havíem d'inventar una melodia i/o ritme que transmetés el que volia dir i els companys van endevinar quina de les dues seqüències havíem triat.

A casa, per deures, vam inventar o crear una melodia amb qualsevol instrument que tinguéssim, pensant en el gènere o emoció que podria transmetre. Alguns es van inspirar en melodies que havíem escoltat i treballat.

A l'escola vam posar en comú les melodies, vam fer una graella incloent com era la melodia, amb quin instrument, la persona, les notes i el gènere.

Una vegada vam tenir els grups de 3 o 4 persones fets, vam anar a l'aula de música a triar quins instruments faríem servir. Alguns nens també van portar els seus instruments de casa. 


Cada grup va anar a un espai diferent de l'escola per crear la seva cançó amb els instruments seleccionats. Després d'assajar alguns dies, finalment les vam enregistrar amb la gravadora de so.

Tots junts vam escoltar les gravacions i vam triar quina havia sortit millor.

Durant el muntatge del curt vam pensar quina música podia anar bé a cada seqüència i li vam afegir.

Finalment, no hem utilitzat totes les nostres creacions, només algunes, però estem molt contents de com ens ha quedat.